In the dynamic world of animation and creative storytelling, few have managed to mark their presence as boldly as Alex...
Read moreHappy for You, the nail-biting thriller directed by Scott Talbot, delves into themes of forgiveness, revenge, and the blurred lines...
Read moreThe Perfect Daughter takes our expectations–both daily and for the film–and constructs a macabre worst-case scenario. It might just leave...
Read moreYoung, Young Men — a film about teenage male friendship — is a breath of fresh air. It is intimate,...
Read moreWriter, actor, filmmaker, jury member, and festival director, Anthony Straeger has (and continues to) donned several hats. We couldn’t miss...
Read moreBoris Bilic’s Dumps is a dark comedy dealing with anxiety, depression and suicide. While the film not only succeeds at...
Read moreLeave Us Here is a visual haiku. Starring Starletta Dupois and Lauren E. Banks, the story revolves around a seemingly...
Read moreJordan Wilson plays Denise in Dumps. An unseen character for the major part of the film’s duration, Wilson’s performance is...
Read moreAnna Remus’s Keeper (12:05-minutes) is an action-thriller but at its core, a sibling drama. With just 24 hours at hand...
Read moreYucong Chen’s Unfinished Lives is poignant, especially considering the present times. A documentary on Xinran Ji, a promising 24-year old,...
Read moreIndie Shorts Mag is a publishing agency that works within the ‘short film circuit’. We review short films, documentaries, music videos and web series, amongst others. We stand out amongst the short film review sites for being multi-diverse & global in our platform and reach.
Our team works tirelessly to help promote, publicize and market your short films that deserve the shout-out! Besides reviews, we host film festival news as it’s a known fact that the film festival buzz is unmissable and we ensure you aren’t left behind!
We aspire to form a niche for ourselves as the ‘short film magazine’ that remains the hub for filmmakers & their audience.
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