Review: Sing (Mindenki) Is A Captivating Story Of Children & Not Just For Children!

‘Mindenki’ (English title: Sing) is a less than 25 minutes short film, inspired from a true story that sails through the events that occurred within an award winning choir of a school, in Budapest, Hungary. Director-Writer Kristóf Deák handles a subject that is hard to capture on screen – children.

‘Graffiti’ Is A Love Story Scripted On The Wall… – Review

It has been 7 years since the ‘incident’. And, we are made aware of its catastrophic effects by the languorous shots of the snow-clad, deserted streets and apartments that bear a haunting forlornness. The light streaming in through the glasses of the abandoned apartments introduces us to Edgar (Oriol Pla), the sole survivor of the apocalypse.

“Where The Woods End” Is A Psychological Thriller That Will Play On Your Mind Long After Its Over! – Review

The woods are central to this mind-boggling psychological thriller, written by Lucas Flasch & directed by Felix Ahrens. German police officer Elke Steber (Henrike von Kuick) and her partner Armin (Tom Keune) are in the midst of a routine stop-and-search inspection of a moving vehicle near the Czech border. Upon their repeated….

5 Short Films That Do Justice to the Beautiful Art, Called Dancing!

She looks like an exquisite sculpture chiseled from some divine stone; her long fingers gesturing into the unknown as if they are communicating in some secret language that we are yet to break in. She stands on her toes, her delicate frame balancing on her well-worn ballet shoes and you know she is an art… in motion. He lets his feet do the talking and for once you don’t mind it. As he strides along the dais letting his shoes create a symphony of sorts on the plank, you know it is not just tap-dancing, but an ancient history that you’re embarking upon.

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