Web Series Review

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Indie web series are a rare delight. They can be a treasure chest of experimentation with craft and story. Just like indie films, indie web series can innovate in a way that mainstream and commercial works cannot.

And when it comes to indie works, it is an established fact that reviews are crucial to them and their makers, whether it is to publicise the work, generate funding or have it screened at a prestigious film festival.

Send your web series to us for an honest, unbiased review to give it the foundation of credibility that it deserves.

The criteria we cover while reviewing films are:


The artistic vision that drives the whole narrative. The invisible hand behind the actors’ performances. The original eye for a work’s mood and tone. Direction is what determines whether a good screenplay will shine or flounder.


The foundation of the whole filmmaking exercise is a screenplay. It sets the original pace, determines motivation, scope and the direction of the narrative. The screenplay can be the text you follow religiously, or it can be the launching point for new ideas to take shape. Of course, there is also the question of finding funding. Wherever you go, it all starts with the screenplay.


Good cinematography can make a bad work look good. Cinematography does not just visualise plot points. It takes a plot and infuses it with sensation. It injects a story with images of mood, tone and palpability. Good cinematography can be the difference between a memorable work and one that viewers either forget or want to forget.


They say a film is made a second time in the editor’s hands. Truly, a good editor can salvage a bad screenplay, or indeed, even change its very genre. Given how powerful this craft is, editing is responsible for sewing together a narrative to create meaning and/or feeling.


Music can be a potent sonic tool for your web series. It takes your visual narrative and translates it into an audial form. Music can be where the emotional or sensational content of your narrative matures and blooms. With the right score, a web series can develop a spark that lives on in the audience’s minds, ready to be awoken with a single note.

Recent Web Series Reviews

Benefits of getting your short film reviewed

Review increases your chances of acceptance at the film festivals.

Makes it easy to publicize and market your series, thus creating a buzz.

Attaching our review to your cover letter would enhance its credibility.

Would help you better understand the reception of your series, well in advance.

Submit your web series now and get it reviewed by Indie Shorts Mag Team!

Submission Status: Open

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