Matt Gorman’s sci-fi drama Hope Ryder follows its titular character through a life-altering series of events at the centre of which is not Hope but a man named Vest Keo and his by turns lofty and vague tech-based plans for making this the best of all possible worlds. Hope is about to learn a thing or two.
There is a third character, Vest’s assistant, Jeff Norri (Kris Salvi) who pops in at key moments in the plot. It is mainly Vest (Fiore Leo) and Hope (Aurora Grabill) who drive it forward. Hope’s friend (Samson Zilic) has the thankless job to be the marker of differences between this world and all the others. He does well.

Premised around multiple universes, consciousness, and dream states, the film obviously borrows from Inception—with just a smattering of Everything Everywhere All At Once. Vest puts Hope into an artificial sleep, and she does what he says, usually involving data extraction. What could ever go wrong? (Did we mention she agrees to and participates in this arrangement on her second meeting with the guy?)
The film is seventeen minutes long, divided into the missions that the trio embark on. These ops are only conceptually dangerous. In action form, the work is as simple as walking in smiling while Vest (and presumably Jeff) type in some code. The great thing about the film is that it works wonders as camp.

The climax does an interesting thing with its crisis which, for obvious reasons, we cannot spoil except to say lemonades were had. At least Hope will not have to deal with the cricks in her neck from all that sleeping sitting up.
Watch Hope Ryder Short Film
Hope Ryder: New Misadventures in Making This the Best of All Possible Worlds