The Green Ribbon: Funhouse Horror and the Curses We Pick up Along the Way
Heather Turman’s The Green Ribbon, written by David Ho, is more horror-comedy or even campy horror, than pure horror. The ...
Heather Turman’s The Green Ribbon, written by David Ho, is more horror-comedy or even campy horror, than pure horror. The ...
Billy Nawrocki’s Won’t Be Long Now uses a thoroughly indie praxis with VFX teams to create a 22-minute horror about ...
Federica Avagliano’s 15-minute vampire horror La Petite Mort will inevitably remind you of Black Swan—and not only because they are ...
Adam Van Dyke’s Paracosm, a ten-minute chamber horror, is nothing if not compact. The plot, of course, but especially its ...
Dhwani Shah’s 44, a psychological horror, follows a young woman through her (mis)adventure into an unfinished skyscraper in the middle ...
Brian K. Rosenthal’s POV, seventeen minutes long, is a pastiche of slasher flicks, its indulgence in tropes the evidence of ...
Joseph McDonagh’s 13-minute That Night is a horror film that thrives on dread. Its preoccupation with dread itself frees it ...
Michael Natoli’s Pumpkinstein is a 21-minute horror spanning decades, nay, centuries, as it follows a witch with a bloody past ...
Miguel del Campo’s A Lovely Death is a 7-minute gothic horror that imbues the Grim Reaper with the same kind ...
Daniel Sandoval’s Icecap Seven is a 32-minute mystery produced on a shoestring budget that follows three characters through entwined, non-linear ...
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