Ahead: Love and Need Intertwine in Ways Out of Our Control

Every now and then, some stories come along that feel overwhelmingly universal and simultaneously very, very specific. For example, what could you possibly have in common with a story about a headless—not metaphorically; literally headless—person? Turns out, quite a lot. Ala Nunu Leszynska’s 5-minute animated short, Ahead is the experience of many, many people, even… Continue reading Ahead: Love and Need Intertwine in Ways Out of Our Control

Denervation: Visually Stunning Sci-Fi Dealing With An Outbreak

No, before you presume, this is not about COVID-19. It has nothing to do with bats or any other creatures. But in director Joshua Ashish Dawson’s 6-minute, animated world, something even more startling occurs. An airborne outbreak (mind you, a series of it, and not just an isolated case) has been reported from the deadly… Continue reading Denervation: Visually Stunning Sci-Fi Dealing With An Outbreak

Yearbook: A Poignant Short On Human History & Its Subsequent Futility

Contrary to the headline, writer-director Bernado Britto’s Yearbook is not dreadful or hopeless. In fact, if anything, it instils a new perspective and understanding to everything passing by our lives. An animated short, all of 5:38 minutes, Yearbook is the story of human history, a futuristic take on the present reality.  The film opens to… Continue reading Yearbook: A Poignant Short On Human History & Its Subsequent Futility

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