5 Short Films On Relationships In The Times Of The Social Media

Relationships consume a significant part of our lives. No one on this planet would have reached their grave without experiencing their heart flutter for someone, at least once. However, with time the mode of expressing and celebrating one’s love has undergone a substantial change. Gone are the days when love letters and roses did the job. And, long gone are the times of annual, studio clicked photographs. Today, in this ‘smartphone-driven’ world, digital pen has replaced the fountain pen and bouquets have been replaced with social media posts.

Categorized as Short Film

5 Short Films Sans Dialogues

Short films have a language of their own. Its not just their length in duration that sets them apart from the feature films, but also their budgeted craft, the incredible ability to clinch the storyline within thetruncated narration amongst others. As if these factors alone weren’t enough to make us fall in love with them, here are 5 short films that push the envelope further.

5 Christmas Short Films That Will Fill You With Love And Joy

Christmas can be incredibly stressful if you are the one who plans and executes the whole celebration. My family members are really working hard and in return for their hard work I’m planning to watch these short films with them today. Then I thought, why not share these amazing short films with you guys. Maybe you can sit down with your family with a bottle of wine and enjoy these films.

5 Short Films That’ll Restore Your Love For India – Happy 69th Independence Day India

Today on this auspicious occasion of India’s 69th Independence Day, Indie Shorts Mag team wishes all its Indian Filmmakers a very proud and prosperous Independence Day. Here’s how we would like to celebrate this day – lined up below are some of the best hand-picked Independent Short films which talks about this day; its value, culture, the vitality of this day.

ISM presents you the line up of the five inspiring indie short films that will remind you, the significance of this day. So go ahead, get motivated, for your country – for India. Happy Independence Day!

HIDE ME, IT’S AT THE DOOR (Inspired By Daily Life Scary Events)

Getting scared watching a horror film is a myth. The real creepiness is here, we experience it daily. Our subconscious mind wants to do the same thing as this man did to it. Every time we see that red color on our screens it awakes that killer instinct inside us. Inspired by the terror we face because of the craze some people have of getting a life every five minutes, should we spare and give them a life or take it?

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