Disney Collaborates with Ghetto Film School, Showcasing Hispanic and Latin American Talent with Exclusive Short Film

Disney Collaborates with Ghetto Film School, Showcasing Hispanic and Latin American Talent with Exclusive Short Film - Indie Shorts Mag

Disney Initiates Partnership with Ghetto Film School, Empowering Emerging Filmmakers to Celebrate Hispanic and Latin American Heritage Month.

In celebrating Hispanic and Latin American Heritage Month, Disney Entertainment Television (DET) has joined forces with Ghetto Film School, a renowned nonprofit organization, to commission and showcase the talent of four alumni in a remarkable short film project. Titled “Yo Recuerdo/I Remember,” this immersive cinematic experience artfully weaves together four personal vignettes, reimagining cherished memories and connecting them to their cultural heritage.

The collaborative masterpiece “Yo Recuerdo/I Remember” will premiere exclusively on Hulu today and will extend its reach across DET’s vast portfolio of digital platforms, including ABC, ABC News, FX, Freeform, Hulu, National Geographic, Onyx Collective, and ABC Owned TV Stations, from September 15 to October 15.

The collaboration between Disney and Ghetto Film School builds upon their longstanding partnership, which spans multiple years. This initiative has provided invaluable opportunities for young alumni filmmakers: Alyse Arteaga, 21, Kian Cloma, 24, Alejandro Enrique, 22, and Tommy Espinal, 22. Disney enabled these talented filmmakers to execute their visions flawlessly by empowering them with a full suite of production resources, including video equipment, graphic designers, and access to editing bays. Practical guidance and mentorship were also integral to the process, as each filmmaker was paired with mentors from across DET who specialize in their respective career tracks.

The partnership with Ghetto Film School exemplifies DET and The Walt Disney Company’s unwavering commitment to nurturing the next generation of storytellers and innovators. Disney aims to create pathways to success for talented individuals from historically underrepresented communities through an array of educational programs, scholarships, mentoring initiatives, and technical skill-building opportunities. By increasing access to careers in the media, entertainment, technology, travel and leisure industries, Disney is driving positive change and empowering young adults and teens to pursue their dreams.

Hispanic and Latin American Heritage Month holds immense cultural significance, serving as a platform to embrace and honour these vibrant communities’ rich traditions, customs, and contributions. The collaboration between Disney and Ghetto Film School ingeniously celebrates this richness by allowing emerging filmmakers to express the power of personal experience through the shared storytelling medium.

Detracting from commercial endeavours, Disney’s extraordinary collaboration with Ghetto Film School highlights the corporation’s deep sense of responsibility to promote diversity and equitable representation within the entertainment industry. By entrusting emerging talent with critical resources and mentorship, Disney demonstrates its commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where stories from all communities can be told and celebrated.

In a dynamic media landscape, Disney continues to excel in delivering compelling content with a commitment to authenticity and representation. This is evident through “Yo Recuerdo/I Remember,” which showcases the creativity and distinctive voices of the four alumni filmmakers and uplifts the voices of the Hispanic and Latin American communities. By capturing the essence of their heritage, the short film becomes a vessel for shared experiences, inviting audiences to reflect on their own memories and traditions.

As “Yo Recuerdo/I Remember” premieres across various digital platforms today, audiences of filmmakers, film enthusiasts, and individuals across diverse communities will have the opportunity to witness the creative genius of Alyse Arteaga, Kian Cloma, Alejandro Enrique, and Tommy Espinal. These emerging talents have harnessed the power of storytelling, skilful cinematography, and their cultural backgrounds to create an immersive visual narrative that celebrates and preserves the rich heritage of Hispanic and Latin American cultures.

The collaboration between Disney and Ghetto Film School is a testament to the transformative power of partnerships that uplift voices and forge connections between diverse communities. This groundbreaking initiative encapsulates Disney’s commitment to storytelling excellence and its dedication to providing aspiring filmmakers with the tools and resources needed to bring their visions to fruition. Disney is forging a path towards a more inclusive and vibrant future for the film industry through this unparalleled collaboration.

Commemorating Hispanic and Latin American Heritage Month, “Yo Recuerdo/I Remember” illuminates the beauty and depth of cultural legacies, weaving personal memories into an extraordinary tapestry of visual storytelling. Disney and Ghetto Film School unite in this remarkable endeavour, marking a milestone in the journey towards a more representative and inclusive filmmaking landscape.

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