Interview with Kyran Speirs (Mettle)
Mettle is a Sport, Drama film directed by Kyran Speirs. This story revolves around a homeless man who is given...
Mettle is a Sport, Drama film directed by Kyran Speirs. This story revolves around a homeless man who is given...
woman goes free with a creepy smile on her face. Nominated for the ‘Best Story’ Award at Short of the...
“Nightmare” is a thriller film which follows an edgy story of a young man who is trying hard to get...
Time Played is a very compelling movie where horror seems to come from the fears lurking inside our minds. In...
What makes the film so special is the continuity of the scenes which makes the audience believe that it is...
There are films that make such a strong impression on you that it stays there in your head for quite...
Mettle is an inspiring short film that pays an ode to the power that lie within us. It succeeds in...
Indie Shorts Mag is a publishing agency that works within the ‘short film circuit’. We review short films, documentaries, music videos and web series, amongst others. We stand out amongst the short film review sites for being multi-diverse & global in our platform and reach.
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